from the This Changes Everything team:
Paris is over. But our efforts are not.
We closed out a huge year on the road with This Changes Everything in Paris for the climate talks and associated mobilizations. It was of course an intense period on the backdrop of the terror attacks and the French government’s ban on protest, but ultimately very inspiring as organizers and activists held marches and actions across the world calling for climate justice.
For an overview of what took place and the agreement itself you can take a look at this smart critique of mainstream media coverage of Paris from our team members Avi and Rajiv or Tyndall Centre’s Kevin Anderson and his take on Paris. There is a great summary of the enormous December 12th actions and if you really want to dig in John Foran has compiled a list of ‘33 of the best pieces on Paris COP21’ here.
We always knew that the road to climate justice didn’t end in Paris and we encourage you to keep organising in 2016. You might find it useful to screen our film as a way to galvanize your community. You can book a screening via This Changes Everything website.
We’re excited to let teachers and educators know we have released our official This Changes Everything study guide. The comprehensive guide comes with clips from the film and excerpts from the book, as well as hand out activities for each lesson. For full access please visit Ro*Co, our educational distributor.
There are of course many more events and actions around the world to plug into - here are just a few;
Climate Rising
London: January 30
Climate Rising
is the perfect opportunity to come together after the Paris climate
talks and get energised to build a bigger and more diverse climate
movement in 2016.
Beyond Coal & Gas Australia
Australia: April 8-16
Beyond Coal and Gas is the national gathering of communities from across Australia working to move beyond coal and gas.
Break Free from Fossil Fuels
Global: May 2016
Grassroots coordinated direct action against fossil fuel infrastructure around the world.
Next System Project
United States: starting April 22
Teach-Ins are practical, participatory, and action-oriented events that provide space for study, debate and organizing around pressing social, political and economic issues. Click to learn more.
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