Saturday, October 8, 2016

Citizens Climate Lobby - 10/13

from La Crosse CCL:
October La Crosse CCL Meeting
Thursday, October 13th, 6:30 p.m.
UU Fellowship of La Crosse
401 West Ave S, La Crosse, WI
Parking behind the UU Fellowship building
Watch the October International CCL Webinar
Complete the Constituent Letter to Your Members of Congress (and ask your family and friends to complete one, too!)
  • WE NEED YOUR HELP: CCL is collecting letters to members of Congress expressing concern about climate change and supporting legislative action to reduce carbon emissions.
  • ASAP Please download the letter template PDF, print it, fill it in, and send it to Larry Sleznikow, 2203 Cass Street, La Crosse, WI, 54601.
  • I'll see that it's delivered to your members of Congress during CCL's Fall Congressional Education Day on November 15th in Washington, D.C.
photo of George Lakoff

George Lakoff, linguistics expert

Linguistics expert George Lakoff, author of “Don’t Think of an Elephant,” “The Political Mind,” and many more books examining the power of language, is our guest for the October national call. He’ll share his recent work on the distinction between direct causation and systemic causation, which is the frame through which climate change can be better comprehended. Mr. Lakoff is recently retired from the University of California at Berkeley, where he was Professor of Cognitive Science and Linguistics..
We look forward to seeing you at the October 13th meeting. Email with any questions.

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